The Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism includes is binding to banks, insurance companies, authorized money changers, accountants, auditors, tax advisers and others. It is their obligation to carry out the activities and measures prescribed by the mentioned law and, in case of suspected money laundering or financing of terrorism, to submit information about the relevant transaction or the person who carries out the transaction to the Directorate for the Prevention of Money Laundering.
Risks of money laundering and financing of terrorism most often arise due to failure to apply the regulations, where the obligee can be significantly exposed to the risk of the collapse of their own image and reputation if a penalty is imposed by the supervisory authority. In order to prevent the aforementioned criminal acts and unwanted effects, we at the FinExpertiza Company, among other things, provide consulting services to our clients related to preventing money laundering and terrorist financing and are working towards establishing an effective system to prevent these acts.
The tools with which such a system is created include the drafting of internal acts under the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism and by-laws adopted based on the Law, collection of documentation and communication with the client, preparation of the initial risk analysis and risk analysis in relation to the client’s entire business, as well as the drafting the programme that entails annual education and training of employees.
Alati pomoću kojih se takav sistem kreira podrazumevaju izradu internih akata u skladu sa Zakonom o sprečavanju pranja novca i finansiranja terorizma i podzakonskim aktima donetim na osnovu Zakona, prikupljanje dokumentacije i komunikacija sa strankom, izradu početne analize rizika stranke i analize rizika u odnosu na celokupno poslovanje stranke, kao i izradu Programa godišnjeg stručnog obrazovanja, osposobljavanja i usavršavanja i obuke zaposlenih.
… The Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism includes is binding to banks, insurance companies, authorized money changers, accountants, auditors, tax advisers and others.